Entering Supplemental Data for Injury and Illness Cases

Supplemental data is any additional information that you want to track, such as:

  • Employees

  • Applicants

  • Jobs

  • Dependents

  • Beneficiaries

  • Requisitions

  • Health safety management cases

When you set up Human Resources, you specify the types of supplemental data (data types) that you want to track. Supplemental data is not required by the system.

For health safety management cases, you might track these types of supplemental data:

  • How the injury occurred

  • Medical expenses

  • Hazardous materials involved

  • Hospital

  • Attending physician

Use the same method to enter supplemental data for health safety management as you use for any type of supplemental data that you track.

See "Working with Supplemental Data" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide.