JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Resources Reports: A to Z

This table lists reports related to the recruitment process. The reports listed in each table are sorted alphanumerically by report ID.

Report ID and Report Name




Applicant Data by Data Type

Use this program to review a list of all of the applicants who have information entered in a particular supplemental data type.

Applicant Supplemental Data (G08BSDA1), Applicant Data by Data Type


Requisition Data by Data Type

Use this program to review a list of all of the requisitions that contain information in a particular supplemental data type.

Requisition Supplemental Data (G08BSDR1), Requisition Data by Data Type


Requisition Supplemental Data Report

Use this program to review information for one or more requisitions.

Requisition Supplemental Data (G08BSDR1), Requisition Supplemental Data Report


Requisition Review - Position

Use this program to determine the approval status of a group of requisitions. You can print two versions of this report. One version lists the requisitions by job description, and the other version lists them by position description.

Requisitions (G08BR1), Requisition Review - Position


Applicant List

Use this program to review detailed applicant information. You can use this report to list all of the applicants or just specific applicants, such as those who have reached a certain point in the hiring process. This report lists detailed information, such as the applicant available date and asking salary.

Applicants (G08BA1), Applicant List


Applicant Listing by Position

Use this program to review a list of all applicants who have applied for a specific position.

Applicants (G08BA1), Applicant Listing by Position


Applicant List-Job Type/Step

Use this program to review a list of all of the applicants, arranged according to their job type and step. This report includes the number of applicants in each job type and step, along with the status of each applicant.

Applicants (G08BA1), Applicant List-Job Type/Step


(USA) Applicant List-EEO Listing

Use this program to analyze the number of female, minority, veteran, or disabled applicants who have applied to the organization. You can also use this report for Affirmative Action reporting purposes.

Applicants menu (G08BA1), Applicant List-EEO Listing


Applicant Supplemental Data Report

Use this program to review complete supplemental information for one or more applicants.

Applicant Supplemental Data (G08BSDA1), Applicant Supplemental Data Report

This table lists government related reports for human resources, sorted alphanumerically by report ID.

Report ID and Report Name




(USA) EEO-4 Annual Report

Use this program to verify compliance with EEOC nondiscrimination requirements.

Government Reporting (G05BG), EEO-4 Annual Report


(USA) Point in Time EEO-4

Use this program to follow up EEOC nondiscrimination requirements for private employers. You might want to use this report to capture a picture of EEO information for specific individuals or groups of employees to prepare a response to an EEO inquiry.

Point in Time Employee Master (G05B31), Point in Time EEO-4


(USA) EEO-1 Report

Use this program to update the report with the prior year information and calculate gender and ethnicity information for the current year.

Government Reporting (G05BG), EEO-1 Annual Report

(Release 9.2 Update) R058515A

(USA) EEO-1 Report (Component 2)

Use this program to generate the report with the employees' ethnicity, race, and sex, which are further classified under the 12 pay bands for each of the 10 EEO-1 job categories.

Enter BV in the Fast Path field to access the Work with Batch Versions - Available Versions form. Enter R058515A in the Batch Application field.


(USA) Point-In-Time EEO-1

Use this program to follow up EEOC nondiscrimination requirements for private employers. You might want to use this report to capture a picture of EEO information for specific individuals or groups of employees to prepare a response to an EEO inquiry.

Point in Time Employee Master (G05B31), Point in Time EEO-1


(USA) EEO-5 Annual Report

Use this program to verify compliance with EEOC nondiscrimination requirements for public school systems and districts.

Government Reporting (G05BG), EEO-5 Annual Report


(USA) EEO Staff Utilization Report

Use this program to review the number of hours that employees worked by ethnic group for each job category

Employee Adv & Technical Operations (G05BE3), EEO Staff Utilization Report


(USA) Veteran Employment (VETS-4212)

Use this program to review employees in each EEO job category for every home company and home business unit who are protected veterans.

Government Reporting (G05BG), Veteran Employment (VETS-4212)


(USA) Point in Time Veteran Employment

Use this program to follow up EEOC nondiscrimination requirements for private employers. Run this report to review employees, as of a specific date, in each EEO job category per home company and home business unit who are disabled veterans or Vietnam veterans.

Point in Time Employee Master (G05B31), Point in Time Veteran Employment


(USA) Workforce Analysis Report

Use this program to review a summary of employees by gender, ethnic code, job type, and job step for each home business unit within the home company.

Government Reporting (G05BG), Workforce Analysis Report


(USA) Hired Applicants by EEO Job Category

Use this program to show how the organization is performing as an equal opportunity employer

Government Reporting (G05BG), Hired Applicants by EEO Job Category


(USA) Applicant Flow Analysis

Use this program to review the number of applicants in each EEO job category by ethnicity and gender who have received offers, been hired, or been rejected. This report shows how the organization is performing as an equal opportunity employer.

Government Reporting (G05BG), Applicant Flow Analysis


(USA) Adverse Impact Analysis

Use this program to review the number of male, female, and ethnic applicants for each EEO job category against those applicants who were hired.

Government Reporting (G05BG), Adverse Impact Analysis


(USA) Affirmative Action Exception Report

Run the Affirmative Action Exception Report (R084422) before you run the Hired Applicants by EEO Job Category, Applicant Flow Analysis, or Adverse Impact Analysis reports. The Affirmative Action Exception Report lists applicants with missing values in any of these fields:

  • EEO Job Category (from defined code list (06/J)

  • Home Business Unit

  • Gender

  • Ethnic Code (a code other than defined codes 01-05 from 06/M)

Government Reporting (G05BG), Affirmative Action Exception Report

This table lists reports related to position budget management, sorted alphanumerically by report ID.

Report ID and Report Name




Open Amounts by Position

Use this program to review position information for salaries, FTEs, and hours worked.

Daily Processing (G08BP1), Open Amounts by Position


Cross-Year Budget Comparison

Use this program to simultaneously review the position budgets for two fiscal years. The report also displays the percentage change in each budget from one fiscal year to the next. The system calculates the percentage change amounts by dividing the difference between the budget amounts for each year by the first year budget amount, as it appears in the left column of the report.

Daily Processing (G08BP1), Cross Year Budget Comparison


Position Control Comparison

Use this program to run one of these versions for position control comparison:

  • Position Control Headcount

  • Position Control Budgeted FTE (Position Control Budgeted Full-Time Equivalent)

  • Position Control Effective FTE

Daily Processing (G08BP1), Position Control Comparison


Position Budgets

Use this program to review by fiscal year the position budgets that are established for all business units and positions.

Daily Processing (G08BP1), Position Budgets


Position Budgets by Job Type & Step

Use this program to review the position budgets for all business units and positions for each job type and job step within the organization by fiscal year.

Daily Processing (G08BP1), Position Budgets by Job Type & Step


Employee Position Activity

Use this program to review all of the position activity for each employee within the organization. You can analyze employee movement among positions and determine whether you need to hire additional employees or reduce the headcount for a position.

You can sort this report either by employee last name or by employee number.

Daily Processing (G08BP1), Employee Position Activity

This table lists reports related to competencies and performance management, sorted alphanumerically by report ID.

Report ID and Report Name




Review Competencies

Use this program when you need to determine the employees who have competencies in a particular competency aggregate.

Competency Management (G05BC1), Review Competency Aggregates


Upcoming Reviews

Use this program when you need to view a list of employees whose performance appraisals are due in 90 days, overdue or are upcoming for the whole company or a specific business unit. The Upcoming Reviews report can use workflow to send a reminder to the supervisor message center so that the supervisor can create the necessary performance appraisals.

Performance Mgmt Periodic Processing (G08PM2), Upcoming Reviews


Gap Analysis

Use this program when you need to compare the competencies that employees possess with those that are required for a particular job.

Competency Mgmt Periodic Processing (G05BC2), Gap Analysis Report


Job Match Report

Use this program when you need to determine the employees who are qualified for a particular job. This report lists all of the required competencies for the job and the proficiency level that the employee has attained in each of these competencies.

Competency Mgmt Periodic Processing (G05BC2), Job Match Report


Job Profile Report

Use this program when you need a formal description of a job, such as when you are advertising a job opening.

Competency Mgmt Periodic Processing (G05BC2), Job Profile Report

This table lists reports related to health safety management, sorted alphanumerically by report ID.

Report ID and Report Name




BLS Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses

Use this program to generate the BLS Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses.

Government Reporting (G05BG), BLS Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses

On Work With Establishment Groups, click Find.

Select a group in the detail area, and then select Submit from the Row menu.


Case Report by Data Type

Use this program to review a list of all of the injury and illness cases with information in a particular data type (such as physical object involved or medical expenses).

Case Supplemental Data (G08BSDS1), Case Report by Data Type


Case Supplemental Data Report

Use this program to review complete information for each injury or illness case that you specify.

Case Supplemental Data (G08BSDS1), Case Supplemental Data Report


OSHA 301 Injury and Illness Report

Use this program to generate the OSHA 301 Injury and Illness Report.

Governmental Reporting (G05BG), OSHA 101 Occupation Illness/Injury Report


Occupational Illness/Injury Report

Use this program to analyze health safety management statistics for the organization.

Case Supplemental Data (G08BSDS1), Occupational Illness/Injury Report


Government Reportable Illness/Injury

Use this program to analyze health safety management statistics for the organization.

Case Supplemental Data (G08BSDS1), Government Reportable Illness/Injury