Performance Appraisals by Managers

Either a human resources representative or managers can create employee appraisals (P087711). After you create an appraisal, you revise and approve the appraisal before scheduling a review meeting with the employee. Depending on the system settings, you can use either a competency based or traditional approach to employee performance appraisals.

A competency based employee performance appraisal automatically generates an appraisal that compares job competencies to demonstrated employee competencies. For each job and employee competency, you can add notes that explain or support the evaluation. You can also attach to each appraisal performance diary entries that cite specific examples of employee performance.

A traditional employee performance appraisal stores templates or links to online appraisal forms. You complete the template and rate employee performance manually. You can also attach to the appraisal performance diary entries that support the evaluation.

After you complete an appraisal, you submit it to the next manager level for approval. The system automatically routes the appraisal to each person who appears in the approval hierarchy (P05844), ending with the employee. At each level, the approving manager can approve the appraisal or return it to the previous level manager. When the highest level manager in the approval hierarchy approves and submits the appraisal, the system sends a message to you indicating that the performance appraisal is ready for final review. If you are using ESS, you then use the Notify Employee menu option in the Current Performance Appraisal program (P087712) to send a message to the employee that the appraisal is ready for final review. The employee can then approve or contest the appraisal.

Employees use the Current Performance Appraisal program to review performance ratings, print the appraisal, review goals, and approve or contest the currently active employee appraisal. When the employee approves or contests the appraisal, the systems indicates that it is complete and moves it to historical status. The system also sends a message to a defined address book number indicating whether the employee approves or contests the appraisal. The system prevents any changes to the appraisal after the employee approval.

If you are not using ESS, an assigned delegate can approve or contest the appraisal on the employee behalf. The employee approval is normally the final step in the approval process.

After the appraisal is approved or contested, you schedule a meeting with the employee to discuss the employee competency rating results, career planning, and performance improvement plans that are in the appraisal. If you need to make further changes to the appraisal, you must create a new appraisal and submit it for approvals.

Note: If you are not using ESS to route employee performance appraisals, and you allow delegates to approve or contest appraisals on an employee behalf, you must verify that the record keeping process is in compliance with local legislation regarding email or online signatures. We strongly recommend that if you allow delegates to approve or contest appraisals on an employee behalf that you keep hard copies of signed performance appraisals.