Performance Profile

Select the Performance Profile Tab.

You can complete these fields only if the processing options are set to enable input.

Appraisal Level

Enter a code that specifies the level of proficiency at which a supervisor rates a person or asset for a particular competency type and competency code.

Appraisal Date

Enter a date that indicates when the process was last reviewed.

Percentage Competency Achieved

Enter a number that indicates how an employee is progressing in relation to the required competency level for a particular job.

The system calculates this value by first calculating the value for the Employee Competency Percent of Required field (EEPCTRQD) for all employee competencies that are related to a job competency for a particular job. The system then multiplies these percentages by their respective weighting factor and adds them together to determine the total job competency percent achieved.

Competency Review Date

Enter the date on which the last job competency review took place.


Enter a value that enables a supervisor to either rank employees individually or group them into tiers. When employees are ranked, each employee is assigned a unique number. When employees are grouped into tiers, several employees can have a common number. For example, a supervisor can assign a tier of 1 through 3 to 12 employees. Each employee can be assigned to tier 1, 2, or 3.

Last Tier/Rank date

Enter the date the Tier/Rank was last updated.