
These processing options specify the process mode and the change reason to use, and whether to update performance appraisal information, tier or ranking information, and job competency information.

1. Process Mode

Use this processing option to specify the mode for the system to use when processing the compensation review update. Values are:

0: Proof Mode

1: Final Mode

If you use proof mode, the system prints the Summary Per Employee report for you to review. The system also prints the Eligibility Override, Job Title Change, and Salaries Outside Pay Grade Range reports if you have set the processing options for these reports to print. In proof mode, the system does not update the compensation review information to any database tables.

In final mode, the system prints the reports and updates the compensation review information to the Employee Master (F060116), Employee Master Additional Information (F060120), and HR History (F08042) tables. The system also clears the work tables and purges any comments that are associated with the compensation review.

2. Change Reason For the New Salary and any New Job. (Required)

Use this processing option to specify the change reason for the new total salary increase.

3. Update Performance Appraisal Information.

Use this processing option to specify whether to update the performance appraisal information, in addition to the new salary and new job (if any). Values are:

0: Do not update to F060120

1: Update to F060120

The system changes a code other than a 0 or 1 to 0.

4. Update Tier or Ranking Information

Use this processing option to specify whether to update the tier or ranking information, in addition to the new salary and new job (if any). Values are:

0: Do not update to F060120

1: Update to F060120

The system changes a code other than 0 or 1 to 0.

5. Update Job Competency Information

Use this processing option to specify whether to update the job competency information, in addition to the new salary and new job (if any). Values are:

0: Do not update to F060120

1: Update to F060120

The system changes a code other than 0 or 1 to 0.