
These processing options specify the group of employees for whom you are creating the appraisals.

1) From Date

Use this processing option to specify the beginning date of the time period for the next review. Values are:

Blank: Do not use the From Date.

A valid date

Select employees that have a next review date equal to or greater than the From Date.

2) Thru Date

Use this processing option to specify the ending date of the time period for the next review. Values are:

Blank: Do not use the Thru Date.

A valid date

Select employees that have a next review date equal to or less than the Thru Date.

3) Days From Today

Use this processing option to select employees that have a next review date equal to or less than the system date plus the number of days entered. Values are:

Blank: Do not use Days From Today

Number of days

Select employees that have a next review date equal to or less than the system date plus the number of days entered. If used, the From Date and Thru Date are ignored.