R058515 - (USA) EEO-1 Report

Run the EEO-1 Report (R058515) to verify that the organization complies with the nondiscrimination requirements for private employers that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) established. EEOC specifications require that you use data from the months of July through September. The EEOC also requires reporting totals from the prior year.

This report separates employees into the standard EEO job categories and then sorts employees by EEO ethnic codes and gender. The total for each job category is calculated and printed, as is the total for each home company or home business unit. The report starts a new page and prints totals for each new company.

When you run the EEO-1 Report (R058515), the EEO-1 Annual Data table (F05850) updates the report with the prior year information and calculates gender and ethnicity information for the current year.

If you use Payroll, the system verifies whether an employee should be included in the report by validating payment dates from the Pay Check History Summary table (F06156) using the reporting dates as defined in the processing options. If you do not use Payroll, the system determines whether an employee should appear on the report using individual employment dates in the Employee History table (F08042).

If the system finds that an employee was paid during the reporting dates, the employee is automatically included on the report, provided that the employee has a record of an EEO code, gender, and ethnicity in the Employee Master Information table.

When you run the report, you can set up the processing options to print an EEO-1 report for establishments with 50 or fewer employees. To create reports that include separate establishments for a company with multiple establishments, you can use the Employee Master program (P0801) to create defined codes that designate establishment numbers for each individual. You can then use the report data selection to select appropriate category codes to sort individual establishments for display on the report.

If this is the first filing year for which you are using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system, you must enter EEO information for the company before you run the report for the first time.

See (USA) Entering EEO-1 Information.