Reviewing Competency Based Performance Appraisals

Access the Competency Based Performance Appraisal Revisions form.

To review competency based performance appraisals:

  1. Click the first job competency and review the rating.

    When you click a job competency, a list of related employee competencies automatically appears.

  2. Click the first employee competency and review the employee competency ratings. Enter any necessary rating changes, and enter notes as appropriate.

    Depending on processing option settings, the system automatically adjusts the job competency and overall performance rating when you change an employee competency rating.

  3. Alternatively, you can override the system ratings by entering a value in the Performance Appraisal Level field:

    The system automatically rates the job competencies again. If a processing option is set appropriately, you can also change the system rating for a job competency, and the system automatically rates the employee competencies again.

  4. To attach a performance diary entry that might support the rating decision, click the link to Appraisal Diary Entries.

    The system displays a list of the diary records that are currently attached to the performance appraisal.

  5. On the Work With Diary Entries For A Performance Appraisal form, select a diary record to review and then click Select.

  6. To add diary entries that are not currently attached to the appraisal, click Add.

  7. Select a diary entry and then click Select.

  8. To remove an attached diary records, select a diary records and click Remove.

    Note: Click Remove to remove the diary record from the performance appraisal only. It does not delete the diary entry from the system.
  9. Review all remaining job competencies and employee competencies and change ratings, as appropriate.

  10. When you have completed rating all competencies, click Submit to Next Level Manager for Approval.

    The system sends a message to the next level manager to indicate that a performance appraisal is ready for approval.

Performance Appraisal Level

Enter a code that specifies the level of proficiency at which a supervisor rates a person or asset for a particular competency type and competency code.