Setting Up Routing Instructions for Competency Approvals

Access the Competency Approval Routing Revision form.

To set up routing instructions for competency approvals:

  1. Complete the Organizational Business Unit field to limit the approver authority to only those employees who are in a particular organizational business unit.

  2. To enter routing instructions for a particular competency type, complete the Competency Type field:

  3. To enter routing instructions for a particular competency code within a competency type, complete the Competency Code field:

    If you enter a competency code, you must enter a competency type.

  4. To indicate whether the system should send an email as a competency notification, complete the Send Msg Flag field.

    If you set this flag to Yes, you must complete step 5 or 6.

  5. To indicate who will receive email notification, complete the Address Number field.

    If left blank, the system sends the approval to the employee supervisor. Complete this field to route all approvals to someone other than the supervisor.

  6. If the employee does not have an immediate supervisor, complete the 2nd Address Number field with the address book number of the person whom you want to receive the email notification:

    You can complete only one of the address number fields. When either field is completed, the other is disabled.

  7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for as many routing instructions as you need to add, and then click OK.

Send Msg Flag (send message flag)

Enter a code that specifies whether the system sends an email message as a competency notification. Values are:

0: No, do not send a message.

1: Yes, send a message.

2nd Address Number

Enter the address book number of the person whom you want to receive the email notification if the employee does not have an immediate supervisor.