Understanding Injury and Illness Information

To satisfy many governmental health safety management requirements, you can track detailed information about any injuries or illnesses that the employees suffer during the performance of their jobs within the organization. This information includes:

  • Date of incident

  • Time of incident

  • Description of incident

  • Employee name

  • Employee occupation

  • Employee department

  • Part of body affected

  • Action taken

  • Lost or restricted time

You use this information to create and print health safety management reports. Reviewing these reports can help you to identify potential safety hazards.

You begin tracking health safety management information by opening an injury or illness case and entering the information that many governmental health safety management organizations require.

After you enter the required information for an injury or illness, you can enter supplemental data. Supplemental data includes any additional information that you want to track about injuries and illnesses, regardless of whether you need to report the case to governmental health safety management organizations.

After you have resolved an injury or illness case, you close the case. To analyze and verify injury and illness information, you can review information online.