Understanding Position Budget Transfers to the General Ledger and Account Balances Table

After you define the position budgets and position accounts, you can post detailed information for position budgets to the Account Ledger table (F0911) so that the accounting department can access it.

Depending on the requirements of the accounting and human resources departments, you can transfer either summary information for position budgets or detailed information.

Summary information includes monthly totals of salary amounts and hours for all of the position budgets that you specify. Detailed information includes a record of the salary amount and hours for each individual position budget.

To transfer summary information to the general ledger, you must transfer position budgets to the Account Balances table (F0902). To transfer detailed position budget information, you must post position budgets to the Account Ledger table.

You can use the Position Account Information program (P081012) to identify the general ledger accounts to which you want to transfer the information.

Important: You transfer position budget information to the general ledger only if the human resources department is responsible for creating salary budgets. To avoid overwriting information, you should not transfer position budget information to the general ledger if the accounting department determines the salary budgets for the organization.