Understanding Routing Instructions for Competency Approvals

the organization might enable employees to use self service to enter their own competency information. After the employee enters competency information, the system sends an email message to the person who is responsible for approving the employee competencies. Typically, employee supervisors are responsible for approving the information that employees enter and for assigning a competency level (the employee level of proficiency) to each competency. In some cases, however, you might want someone other than the employee supervisors to assign competency levels. For example, the training development manager might be responsible for approving training competencies. Routing also occurs when another person adds competency information for an employee but is unable to update the competency levels.

You set up routing instructions for competency approvals so that you can identify a person, other than the employee supervisor, who is responsible for approving specific employee competencies or competency types. You can select a different person to approve each competency type or individual competency. For example, you can set up the routing instructions so that the training development manager is responsible for approving employee training competencies, and the employee supervisor is responsible for approving all other types of competencies.

When you set up routing instructions for a competency, the system sends an approval message to the person specified in the routing instructions when any other user enters information in that employee competency. For example, supervisors might be allowed to enter competency information for their employees, but they might not be responsible for approving training competency information. In this case, when a supervisor enters a training competency for an employee, the training development manager receives the approval message, just as he would if the employee entered the training competency.

If one or more competencies have no routing instructions specified, the system automatically routes approval messages for those competencies to the employee supervisor.

These examples illustrate the routing instructions for competency approvals, as specified on the Competency Approval Routing Revision form (W05107A):

  • If the Send Msg Flag (Send Message Flag) field is set to Yes, and if the Address Number field contains a value, then the competency message is sent to the individual indicated in the Address Number field.

  • If the Send Msg Flag field is set to Yes, and if the Address Number field does not contain a value, then the competency message is sent to the person who is specified as the employee supervisor in the Employee Master Information table (F060116).

  • If the Send Msg Flag field is set to Yes, and the employee does not have a supervisor, complete the 2nd Address Number field to specify who will receive the competency message.

  • If you do not want to send a message, set the Send Msg Flag field to No.

    Note: You can complete only one of the address number fields on the Competency Approval Routing Revisions form. When either field contains a value, the other is disabled.