Understanding Supplemental Data for Applicants

Supplemental data is any type of additional, defined information that you want to track about:

  • Requisitions

  • Applicants

  • Employees

  • Jobs

  • Dependents

  • Beneficiaries

  • Health safety management

When you set up Human Resources, you specify the types of supplemental data (data types) that you want to track. Supplemental data is not required by the system.

You might include these types of supplemental data for applicants:

  • Applicant status history

  • Work experience

  • Education

  • Job skills

  • References

The method that you use to enter supplemental data is the same for any type of supplemental information that you track.

After you enter supplemental data, you can use it to locate applicants who meet specific criteria that are required to fill vacancies within the organization. For example, you might need someone with an MBA degree who can speak Spanish. You can access the Supplemental Data Multiskill Search program (P080250) to search for all applicants who meet these requirements.