Understanding the Copy Job Competency Program (P080020)

To associate jobs and job competencies with the hierarchical levels in the organization, you can create an organizational structure that is specific to job competencies. In many cases, you can save time by copying the existing organizational structure for financials and then modifying it so that it is appropriate for tracking job competencies. The business units for the new organizational structure are the same as those that are in the organizational structure that you copied; however, in the new structure, you can change the arrangement of the business units, if necessary.

When you copy an existing structure, the system creates a draft structure that contains no effective dates. You can modify the draft as many times as necessary. When you are ready to begin using this organizational structure, run the Activate Job Competencies report (R080014) to activate the draft structure and set it up as the default structure for job competencies. This program also enters an ending date for the organizational structure that was previously the default structure, if one exists.

You can also copy job competency information from an existing organizational structure to a new organizational structure that does not yet have job competency information associated with it.

The copy program includes both a form where you specify the information that you want to copy and a batch process. When you click OK on the form, the system automatically runs the batch process and prints a report that lists the information that you want to copy. You can run the batch process in proof mode, which enables you to verify the information before the system updates the database. You must run the copy program from a client workstation (NT), not from an internet or intranet site. Internet and intranet servers do not have the specific application program interfaces (APIs) that the system needs to perform the copy.