
Status Change Type 1–5

Specify a status change type that the system uses as one of five default settings. The system displays the five default status-change types on the Select Employee Status Change Request form.

6. Job Information Change

Specify whether the system automatically displays job information from the employee record when you change a job type for an existing employee. The system automatically includes pay frequency, union code, pay class, pay grade, overtime exempt, pay grade step, and benefit group. Values are:

0: Do not use default data.

1: Use default data.

7. Business Unit/Job ID Information Change

Specify whether the system automatically includes business unit and job cross-reference information from the employee record when you change a job type for an existing employee. The system automatically uses the union code, workers compensation, and benefit group from the Business Unit/Job ID. X-Ref table (F08005). Values are:

0: Do not use default data.

1: Use default data.