Entering Automatic Deposit Information

Access the Revise Automatic Deposit Instructions form.

To enter automatic deposit information:

  1. On Revise Automatic Deposit Instructions, select one of these options:

    • Dollar1

      Enter a value that specifies the type of processing for an event.

    • Percent1

      Enter a value that specifies the type of processing for an event.

  2. Complete these fields:

    • Amount or Percent

      Enter the actual gross pay amount for an employee. This amount is different than the distributed gross pay amount that is used for labor distribution. See data item DPAY.

      When you are using Work Order Time Entry, this field is used to record miscellaneous pay for an employee, (for example, piece rate bonus).

    • Bank Trnst No. (bank transit number)

      Enter the bank transit number for the employee's financial institution. Banks might refer to this number as the ABA (American Bank Association) or payment routing number. This number can be obtained from the employee's check or deposit slip. It is located between the colons (:) at the bottom of the check.

      For U.S. banks, this number contains nine digits. If this number does not contain nine digits, you must contact the employee's financial institution to obtain the correct number.

      For Canadian banks, this number contains eight digits. Therefore, Canadian clients must enter the bank transit number with a leading zero.

      If you change this number for an employee, the system creates a prenote for the employee's next auto deposit.

    • Bank Account

      Enter the employee's unique account number at the financial institution. The number is obtained from the bottom line of a voided check or a deposit slip from the employee's account. You must include dash cue symbols in the field.

      Account numbers can also be obtained from other sources, such as passbooks or debit cards. When transcribing information, left justify and enter only numbers (0 through 9), alphabetic characters (A through Z), and hyphens (-). If fewer than 17 characters are required, leave the unused spaces blank. Spaces that are left within the depositor's account number will be ignored when the paperless entry is prepared. For example, 0123 4 56789 will appear as 0123456789 in the entry record, and 0123-4 56789 will appear as 0123-456789.

      If you change this number, the system automatically prenotes the employee's auto deposit record again.


      The Financial Organization Account Number (FOA#) is used as the company's unique bank account number rather than the employee's unique bank account number in these files:

      F06560 - Bank Reconciliation - Issue Table

      F06561 - Bank Reconciliation - Paid Table

  3. To indicate the type of account, select one of these options:

    • Checking1

      No entry required. This is a generic field that is used for video constants display.

    • Savings1

      No entry required. This is a generic field that is used for video constants display.

  4. Repeat steps 1–3 for as many accounts as you want to have a portion of your payment deposited.

  5. If, after completing steps 1–4, any additional portion of your payment is unallocated, select one option:

    • Remainder Auto Deposit

      Enter a value that specifies the type of processing for an event.

    • Remainder Check

      Enter a value that specifies the type of processing for an event.

  6. Complete the Routing Number and Account Number fields.

  7. Select one of these options in the Remainder Amount group box:

    • RemChecking (remainder checking)

      Enter a value that specifies the type of processing for an event.

    • RemSavings (remainder savings)

      Enter a value that specifies the type of processing for an event.

  8. Click OK.