Human Resource

Use this processing option to specify the default that the system uses to send an email message to the appropriate human capital management representative.

1. Address Number

Specify the address book number that the system uses to retrieve the email address from the Remark field on the Who's Who Address Book form.

2. Disclose Disability Status Button

Specify whether to display the Disclose Disability Status button on the Employee Profile and Job Information form. Values are:

Blank: Show button

1: Hide button

Disclose Veteran Status Button

Specify whether to display the Disclose Veteran Status button on the Employee Profile and Job Information form. Values are:

Blank: Show button

1: Hide button

4. Veteran, Disabled Veteran Fields

Specify whether to display the Veteran and Disabled Veteran fields on the Employee Profile and Job Information form. Values are:

Blank: Show

1: Hide