
Use these processing options to specify the group of individuals whose records are processed and the mode in which the UBE is run.

1. Write Personal Information for Employee, Dependent/Beneficiary or Both:

Specify the group of individuals whose employee self-service records are processed. Values are:

1: Employee records from the employee self-service work files.

When you use this value, you should run the program in proof mode.

2: Dependent and beneficiary records from the employee self-service work files.

When you use this value, you should run the program in proof mode.

3: Employee, dependent, and beneficiary records from the employee self-service work files.

When you use this value, you can run the program in either proof or final mode.

2. Mode:

Specify the mode in which the system runs the process.

0: Run the process in proof mode. Do not update the tables.

1 or Blank: Run the process in final mode and update all appropriate tables.

3. Update Disability and Veteran Response to Employee Master:

Specify whether the system should update the Employee Master Information table (F060116) with disability and veteran status responses. Values are:

1: Update.

0: Do not update.

Note: If both the Mode and the Update Disability and Veteran Response to Employee Master processing options are set to 1, the system updates the disability and veteran fields in both the Employee Master Information table (F060116) and the Disability and Veteran Status History table (F085590) when you run the Update Employee Personal Information to Live Tables program (R054104). If the Mode processing option is set to 1 and the Update Disability and Veteran Response to Employee Master processing option is set to 0, the system updates only the Disability and Veteran Status History table (F085590).