
1. Mode:

Specify the mode in which the report is run.

0: Proof

1: Final

2. Files to update:

Specify the tables in which the system stores information.

0: Add records only to F053030.

1: Add approved records to F06017 and F053030.

Only approved records are added to the F06017.

3. Tax Year:

Specify a four-digit calendar year.

4. Employee Master Updates

Specify the fields that the batch program updates in the Employee Master table (F060116). Values are:

0 or Blank: Do not update the F060116 table.

1: Update only the Tax Method field for tax exempt status.

2: Update only the Federal Marital Status field.

3: Update both the Federal Marital Status and the Tax Method fields in the F060116 table.

To ensure that the system updates the Employee Master table, set the Files to update processing option to 1.

If you select options 1 or 3 and the employee selects the tax exempt check boxes, the system updates the value in the Tax Method field of the employee master record to the value provided in processing option 5. If there is no value provided in processing option 5, the default value of 2 will be updated. If the employee leaves the tax exempt check boxes blank to indicate no exemptions, the system clears the Tax Method field for any previous value. The report displays a message specifying the updated value in the Tax Method field.

5. Tax Method to be updated in employee master
Enter the tax method to be updated in the employee master. If you leave this field blank, the system updates the value of 2.