Requesting a Verification-of-Employment Letter

Access the Verification Of Employment Data form.

To request a verification-of-employment letter:

  1. On Work With Verification Of Employment Requests, complete the Employee No field and click Add.

  2. On Verification Of Employment Data, complete the Contact Name field on the Request Information tab.

  3. Complete any of these optional fields:

    • Company

    • Title

    • Phone Area / Number

    • Comment

  4. Select one or more of these contact method options:

    • Email

    • Facsimile

    • Mail

  5. Complete any of these fields that apply to the contact method option that you have chosen:

    • E-Mail Address

      Enter a value that indicates whether the verification-of-employment letter can be sent by email. Values are:

      1: Yes, the letter can be sent by email.

      0: No, the letter cannot be sent by email. This is the default value.

    • Email

      Enter a valid email address.

    • Fax Prefix / Phone No.

      Enter the prefix for telephone number 2. The default format for the Phone Prefix data dictionary item is set to the United States prefix (area code). This format is three characters enclosed in parentheses, for example, (303). If you require an alternate format to accommodate a non-United States prefix, you must change the data display rules in the data dictionary.

    • Address Line 1

      Enter the first line of a mailing address for an employee, customer, or supplier in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system. The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) restricts the size of the address that prints on an employee's year-end tax return. To comply with IRS regulations, the system has these restrictions:

      • On W-2 returns, the system prints only the last three non-blank address lines plus the city, state, and postal code.

      • On 1099 returns, the system prints only the last non-blank address line plus the city, state, and postal code.

      • On other U.S. federal magnetic media, the system prints only the last non-blank address line plus the city, state, and postal code.

    • Address Line 2

      Enter the second line of the mailing address for an employee, customer, or supplier in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system.

      Payroll users: The IRS restricts the size of the address that prints on employee year-end forms. To comply with IRS regulations, the system has these restrictions:

      • On W-2 returns, the system prints only the last three non-blank address lines plus the city, state, and postal code.

      • On 1099 returns, the system prints only the last non-blank address line plus the city, state, and postal code.

      • On other U.S. federal magnetic media, the system prints only the last non-blank address line plus the city, state, and postal code.

    • City

      Enter a name that indicates the city that is associated with the address.

    • State

      Enter a user-defined code (00/S) that specifies the state or province. This code is usually a postal service abbreviation.

    • Postal Code

      Enter the United States ZIP code or the postal code that specifies where a letter is to be routed. Attach this code to the address for delivery in other countries. This code is used as the low end value when you are doing Postal Code Transaction range processing.

    • Country

      Enter a user-defined code (00/CN) that identifies a country. The country code has no effect on currency conversion.

      The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system uses the country code for data selection and address formatting.

  6. Click the Employment Data tab.

  7. Review these pay information fields:

    • Date Started

      Enter the date on which the employee actually reported to work for the most recent period of hire. When an employee initially begins working, the default value is the original hire date. If no original hire date exists, the system uses the current date. This field can be updated multiple times if, for example, an employee is a seasonal worker.

      For the calculation tables in the Payroll system and the eligibility tables and date codes in the Human Resources system, the system also uses this date as a start date when it calculates deductions, benefits, and accruals.

    • Job Type/Step Description

      Enter the description that is associated with the job type and job step. This description is stored in the Job Information table.

    • Continued Employment

      Enter a value that indicates the employee's potential for continuing employment with the organization. Values are stored in the user-defined code table email.

    • Date Of Last Raise

      Enter the date of the employee's last raise. For the email HR system, this is the date when you update salary and wages. If you also have the Payroll system, this date is automatically updated when a payroll is run. You define pay-effective dates using the Pay Rate Information form.

    • Amount Of Increase

      Enter an amount. Amount of increase is the difference between two values. A negative value indicates a decrease.

      A monetary increase as a result of a raise occurring on the date of last raise.

    • Date of Next Raise

      Enter the date that the hourly or annual pay rate for the employee increases. The new rate goes into effect after a payroll cycle finishes with a pay period end date on or after the date of the next raise.

    • Pay Period Salary

      Enter a valid amount. Pay Period Salary is calculated by dividing the annual salary by the number of pay periods.

  8. Review these pay information fields for the current year, one year prior, and two years prior:

    • Base

      Enter an amount paid from all pay types that are considered to be base salary for the current year.

    • Overtime

      Enter an amount that is paid from all pay types that are considered to be overtime pay for the current year.

    • Commission

      Enter an amount that is paid from all pay types that are considered to be commission pay for the current year.

    • Bonus

      Enter the amount of bonus pay that the employee earned, year-to-date in the current year. The system calculates this amount by searching the employee's timecards for pay types that represent bonus pay. It then calculates the amount of the employee's earnings during the year that were attributed to the bonus pay types.

      Note: When you set up a pay type, you use the Pay Type Category field (PACT) to identify it as part of a related group of pay types, such as regular pay, bonus pay, commissions, and so on. You define pay type categories in user-defined code list (UDC) PC.
    • Other

      Enter an amount that is paid from all pay types that are considered to be other pay for the current year. Other pay is anything other than base salary, overtime, commission, and bonus.

  9. Click OK.

  10. To review the status of your request, click Find.

  11. Review this field for the request:

    • Revd Flag (revised flag)

      Enter a UDC (05/V2) that indicates the progress of your verification of employment letter. Values are:

      0: Pending.

      The administrator has not yet reviewed your request. You can change your request information if you need to.

      1: Reviewed.

      The administrator has reviewed your request. Changing your request information is not advisable.

      2: Processed.

      The administrator has processed your verification of employment letter.