Understanding Director Form Rules for IRS Form W-4

The Populate Director Form Rules/Edits report (R8985500) creates and stores information in the Self-Service Step/Application Cross-Reference (F05402) and Self-Service Script Position Rules (F05403) tables. The Self-Service Process Flow Setup program (P05400) uses these tables to create new process flow scripts. You need to run this report before creating process flow scripts. If your self-service applications were set up before the IRS Form W-4 was available, you need to run this report again. You normally need to run this report only once unless you are setting up access to additional self-service programs after your initial setup.

If you are setting up self-service access to the IRS Form W-4 Employee's Withholding Allowance for ESS program (P085303A) after your initial self-service setup, then you need to run this report again.

To set up the Employee Self-service process for 2020 W-4 changes, from the Self-Service Process Flow Setup program (P05400), navigate to the Process Flow Detail form (W05400D), and select 250 in the Self Service Action Step column.