Understanding URLs for Self-Service Benefits

Within the employee self-service benefit programs, employees can click a link to get more information about benefits. You define uniform resource locator addresses (URLs) that link users to resources about plan options, plans, categories, and groups. Depending on the links that might be defined, employees can learn information about the enrollment process, organizational policy, provider options, a specific benefit plan, or details about a plan option. These resources might also include direct access to the provider so that employees can implement changes. For example, an employee might use a link to access a provider website that lists primary care physicians.

To set up all URL specifications for benefit resources from one location, you can use the Plans Within Categories program (P08351). After choosing a benefit group, category, plan, or plan option, you access the Benefits Enrollment Plan/Option URL Address program (P085540) from a Row menu option where you can record URL addresses. The URL might be a location on an organization's intranet or an internet provider resource. The system stores the URL address information in the Benefits Enrollment Plan/Option URL Address table (F085540).

You can organize reference information by using URLs to access information for:

  • All benefit plan options that are linked to a benefit plan

  • All benefit plans that are linked to a benefit category

  • All benefit categories that are linked to a benefit group

  • All benefit groups

When employees click links in benefit self-service programs, the system searches for the most specific resource using a hierarchal approach. For example, if an employee clicks on a link for information about a benefit plan option, the system looks first at the benefit plan option level. If no information is found, the system looks sequentially at the benefit plan, category, and group levels.

It is recommended that you set up at least one URL for every benefit group. Because all benefit plans and benefit plan options appear as links, an employee might click the link to get additional information. A URL is required for the function to work appropriately.