Coinage Analysis Report

When you use cash payments to compensate employees, you must be sure that you pay them with the appropriate monetary denominations. After you process pre-payroll, you can generate the Coinage Analysis Report. This report produces a coinage requirements analysis for each employee to ensure that the minimum number of coins and notes are issued for each payment range. This report includes each employee in the pay cycle whose payment type is a cash payment.

Note: You can access this report from the Australia/New Zealand Reports menu to update processing options and create new versions of the report; however, you cannot run the report from this menu. You must run this report during an active pay cycle using the reporting options on the Pay Cycle Workbench. Typically, this report is run during the payments step of the pay cycle. You can optionally set the report to run during any step other than pre-payroll or final update, however, you cannot process this report before you create payments.