Forms Used to Set Up State Payroll Tax Information for Australia

Form Name




Work With PDBAs


From the Pay/Deductions/Benefits Setup menu (G05BD4), select PDBA Setup.

Search for PDBAs. You can search for the PDBAs either from the list of all PDBAs, or only the active PDBAs which have an effective ending date not prior to the current date.

Pay Type Revisions


On Work With PDBAs, search for and select a pay type, and then click Select.

Access the form to set up state tax eligibility for PDBAs.

Note: This task describes how to set state tax eligibility for a pay type. However, you can also set up state tax eligibility for benefits and deductions by selecting a benefit or a deduction on the Work With PDBAs form. Selecting a benefit or deduction accesses the Basic DBA Information form.

Edit Australia State Payroll Tax Pay Type, Deduction and Benefit Eligibility


On Pay Type Revisions or Basic DBA Information, click the Edit this PDBA's eligibility for state tax link.

Set up a single pay type, deduction, or benefit for state tax eligibility.

Calculate Australia State Payroll Tax


From the Australia/New Zealand Reports menu (G07BUSP17), select Calculate State Payroll Tax.

Access forms to set up state payroll tax information.

Edit Australia State Payroll Tax Pay Type, Deduction and Benefit Eligibility


On Calculate Australia State Payroll Tax, select Eligible PDBAs in the Go To field, and click Go.

Set up multiple pay types, deductions, or benefits for state tax eligibility.

Work With State Payroll Tax Thresholds and Rates


On Calculate Australia State Payroll Tax, select Thresholds and Rates in the Go To field, and click Go.

Define state payroll tax thresholds and rates.

State Payroll Tax Proration Formulas


On Calculate Australia State Payroll Tax, select Proration Formulas in the Go To field, and click Go.

Set up proration formulas.

Work With State Payroll Tax Company Groups


On Calculate Australia State Payroll Tax, select Company Groups in the Go To field, and click Go.

Access forms to set up company groups.

Edit Company Group


On Work With State Payroll Tax Company Groups, click the Add New Group button.

Set up company groups.