Understanding Automatic Deposits for Australia

Before you can create automatic deposit information, you must enter information about the bank accounts and programs that you want the system to use when creating automatic deposit files. You must complete these tasks before you create automatic deposit files for employees in Australia:

  • Enter information in UDC 06/BC for each trading bank that the organization uses.

  • Attach version XJDE0005 of the Copy Payroll Payments To Bank File program to the menu option that you use to access this program.

  • Set up the Create Bank File for Australia program to run locally.

  • Set the processing options for the Copy Payroll Payments to Bank File and Create Bank File for Australia programs to include the appropriate information.

When you enter information in UDC 06/BC, you must create a separate entry for each trading bank that you use when paying out employee automatic deposit payments. The six-digit code that you create should represent the bank's Bank/State/Branch number, and should be entered as xxx-xxx. For example, you might create code 123-456 to represent one trading bank. Contact the trading banks directly to identify their individual Bank/State/Branch codes.

We recommend that you attach version XJDE0005, or a copy of that version, to the menu option that you use to access the Copy Payroll Payments to Bank File program. The purpose of this version is to ensure that the payment information in the bank file is formatted using the Australian Banking Association standard. Contact the system administrator for assistance with attaching a program version to a menu option.

Note: When you set up the processing options for the version of the Copy Payroll Payments to Bank File program that you attach to the menu, you must use .aba as the file extension when you enter the target file name in the processing options. If you do not use this file extension, the bank might not accept the automatic deposit file.

You must set up the Create Bank File for Australia program to run locally. If this program runs on the server, the user will not have access to the file that the system creates. Contact the system administrator for assistance with setting up a program version to run locally.