Understanding Payments Information

Before you print payment advices and create automatic deposit files for the first time, you must identify which payment programs and versions you want to use. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne includes these Australian- and New Zealand-specific payment programs:

  • Create Auto Deposit File (Australia/New Zealand) (R75A0004).

  • Create Bank File for Australia (R75A0005).

  • Generic Payment Advice for Australia & New Zealand (R75A0013).

  • Copy Payroll Payments to Bank File (Australia/New Zealand) (P75A0006).

You enter the program IDs and version names that the system uses to create payment information on the Payment Setup form. However, you cannot print payment advices or create automatic deposit files from this form. You can create payment information during a payroll cycle using the Pay Cycle Workbench only.

If you pay employees using cash payments, you must also set up coinage analysis information.