Understanding Timecard Creation

After you have finalized the details of an employee's termination, you can create timecards that the system uses to generate the actual payment. You can use the Australian Employee Termination Entry program to automatically generate timecards for the termination payment. You do so to ensure that:

  • The timecards use the correct pay types.

  • The system accurately calculates taxes on termination payments such as lump sum amounts.

After you generate these timecards, you can review and revise them until they include all of the information that is necessary to create the payment.

Note: Oracle strongly recommends that you generate timecards for termination payments using the Australian Employee Termination Entry program. Using this program ensures that all of the elements of a termination payment are correctly taxed. Manually entering timecards for termination payments can result in inaccurate tax calculations.

After you create the timecards for the termination payment, you can process them through a payroll cycle to create the actual payment for the employee.