Print Options

Use these processing options to specify how certain information appears on auto deposit advice slips.

1. Company Name and Address

Specify whether the company name and address appear on automatic deposit advice slips. Values are:

Blank or 1: Do not print company name and address.

2: Print company name only.

3: Print company name and address.

2. Company Number

Specify the company number of the company whose name and address you want to appear on the automatic deposit advice slips.

This processing option applies only if you indicate in the Company Name and Number processing option that you want to print that information on the automatic deposit advice slips. If you leave this processing option blank, each automatic deposit advice slip displays the name and address of the employee's home company.

3. Employee Identification Number

Specify the type of employee identification number that appears on the automatic deposit advice slips. Values are:

2: Tax ID number

3: Third employee number

Blank: Address book number