Understanding Error Codes for the F0713 Integrity Report (R777011)

This table lists and discusses the error codes, which are stored in UDC 77Y/EC, that might appear on the F0713 Integrity Report (R777011):



0101 - Total gross is less than tax withheld

The gross amount is less than the amount of tax withheld or paid on the same earnings.

Determine whether taxable wages should be less than tax. For example, the amount might include a refunded tax or voided check from a prior year. If an error occurs, you can leave it alone, repost the F0716 table, or manually adjust the F0713 table using the Tax History program (P779901) from the Canada History Inquiries menu (G77BCAP14).

0102 - Gross minus excludable is less than tax withheld

The amount of taxable wage [gross less excludable] is less than the amount of tax withheld.

Manually change the excludable or tax amount, if necessary.

0103 - Excludable is greater than gross

The excludable amount is greater than the gross wage.

Determine why the excludable amount is greater than the gross amount and decide which is correct. You can either repost the F0716 table or manually adjust the F0713 table using the Tax History program (P779901) from the Canada History Inquiries menu (G77BCAP14).

0104 - Sign mismatch on gross and tax

A mismatch exists between the taxable wages and the tax. Either the taxable wage amount is positive and the tax amount is negative, or the taxable wage amount is negative and the tax amount is positive.

Determine why a sign mismatch exists between the two numbers and decide which is correct. For example, someone might have manually entered the tax as a negative number. You can leave the mismatch alone, repost the F0716 table, or manually adjust the F0713 table using the Tax History program (P779901) from the Canada History Inquiries menu (G77BCAP14).

0105 - Sign mismatch on gross and excludable

A mismatch exists between the gross wages and the excludable amount. Either the gross wage amount is positive and the excludable amount is negative, or the gross wage amount is negative and the excludable amount is positive.

Determine why a sign mismatch exists between the two numbers and decide which is correct. For example, someone might have manually entered the tax as a negative number. You can leave the mismatch alone, repost the F0716 table, or manually adjust the F0713 table using Tax History (P779901) from the Canada History Inquiries menu (G77BCAP14).

0106 - Mismatch state/county/city

The tax area in the tax summary record does not match the country (work state) or province (work county) in the same record.

Determine whether the province is correct in the F0713 table. If it is not, enter a new tax summary record by choosing Tax History (P779901) from the Canada History Inquiries menu (G77BCAP14), and then choosing Add Tax Summary from the Form menu.

0107 - Quebec gross is greater than Federal gross

The total of the wages for Quebec records is greater than the federal wages.

Manually review the transactions and each Quebec record, and determine whether these totals should match. For example, if an employee lives in one province and works in another, both records are updated with total gross wages. You must manually adjust the discrepancy using the Tax History program (P779901) from the Canada History Inquiries menu (G77BCAP14).

0108 - Employee number not in F060116

The employee number does not exist or has been deleted from the F060116 table.

Manually add the employee back into the master file.

0109 - F0713 SIN does not match F060116

A difference exists between the Social Insurance Number in the F060116 table and the F0713 table.

Verify that the Social Insurance Number is correct when you access the Address Book from the Employee Information program (P0801).

0110 - Tax area not in F069016

The tax area code on the record does not exist in the F069016 table.

Add the tax area.

0111 - Tax ID not found in F069086

The corporate tax ID in the record does not exist in the F069086 table.

Add the corporate tax ID using the Corporate Tax IDs program (P059081A).

0112 - Tax ID does not match the F069086

The corporate tax ID in the record does not match the corporate tax ID in the F069086 table.

Verify that the tax ID is correct using the Corporate Tax IDs program (P059081A). This ID might have changed, but history records exist with the prior number. If the tax ID is incorrect, change it, and then run the F0713 Integrity Report program (R777011) in update mode.

0119 - CPP/QPP wages exceeding the annual limit

The CPP/QPP wages in the record exceed the annual limit for CPP/QPP wages.

Run an adjusting interim payroll with a tax override.

0120 - CPP/QPP contributions exceeding annual max

The CPP/QPP contributions in the record exceed the annual maximum for CPP/QPP contributions.

If one or more payroll cycles or interim payroll cycles remain to be run for the current year, Vertex will self-adjust the amount, refunding any excess contributions to the employee.

If the error is encountered after the last payroll has been run, run an adjusting interim payroll or leave the amount as is and allow the employee to reclaim the excess during tax filing.