Reviewing Error Codes for the Tax History Integrity Report

After you run the Tax History Integrity Report in proof mode, you must research each error that appears on the report. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Payroll Implementation Guide provides an error code list that describes each type of payroll-tax history integrity error. Use this error code list to determine the action, if any, that you must perform to correct each error. You must correct these errors so that the quarterly reports and year-end forms are accurate.

This table lists error codes that might appear on the report. These codes are defined in user-defined code table 06/IX:

Error Code


0101 - Taxable wage less than tax

The amount of taxable wage [Gross minus (Excludable + Excess)] is less than the amount of tax withheld or paid on the same earnings.

Determine whether taxable wages should be less than tax. For example, the amount might include a refunded tax or a voided check from a prior year.

If an error occurs, you can disregard it, repost the information from the Pay Check History Tax Ledger table (F06166) to the Tax History table (F06136), or manually adjust the records in the F06136 using the Tax Summary form.

0102 - Sign mismatch on gross/tax

A mismatch exists between the taxable wages and tax. Either the taxable wages value is positive and the tax negative, or the taxable wages value is negative and the tax is positive.

Determine the cause of the sign mismatch between the two numbers and decide which is correct. For example, someone might have entered the tax as a negative number.

You can disregard the mismatch, repost the Pay Check History Tax Ledger table, or manually adjust the Tax History table by using the Tax Summary form.

0103 - Sign mismatch on earnings

A mismatch exists between the various wage fields in the Tax History table. One or more of the wage fields is positive, and the other is negative.

Determine the cause of the sign mismatch between the earnings fields and decide which one is correct. For example, someone might have entered the wage as a negative number.

You can disregard the mismatch, repost the Pay Check History Tax Ledger table, or manually adjust the Tax History table by using the Tax Summary form.

0104 - Mismatch on Social Security (OASDI) amount

A difference exists between the Federal/D wage or tax amount and the Federal/E wage or tax amount. That is, the employee portion differs from the employer portion.

Determine the cause of the mismatch between the Federal/D record and the Federal/E record, and decide which is correct. For example, an interim check might have an override of the employee tax but not the employer tax. Or a pay type, deduction, or benefit might be set up as exempt from one tax type but not the other.

You can disregard the mismatch, repost the Pay Check History Tax Ledger table, or manually adjust the Tax History table by using the Tax Summary form.

0105 - Mismatch on Medicare

A difference exists between the Federal/P wage or tax amount and the Federal/Q wage or tax amount. That is, the employee portion differs from the employer portion.

Determine the cause of the mismatch and decide which record is correct. For example, an interim check might have an override of the employee tax but not the employer tax. Or a pay type, deduction, or benefit might be set up as exempt from one tax type but not the other.

You can disregard the mismatch, repost the Pay Check History Tax Ledger table, or manually adjust the Tax History table by using the Tax Summary form.

0106 - Mismatch on Tier I

A difference exists between the Federal/R wage or tax amount and the Federal/S wage or tax amount. That is, the employee portion differs from the employer portion.

Determine the cause of the mismatch and decide which record is correct. For example, an interim check might have an override of the employee tax but not the employer tax. Or a pay type, deduction, or benefit might be set up as exempt from one tax type but not the other.

You can disregard the mismatch, repost the Pay Check History Tax Ledger table, or manually adjust the Tax History table by using the Tax Summary form.

0107 - Tax area not on record

No tax area exists on the Tax History record.

Delete the erroneous transaction from the Tax History table. If you include this record when you build the workfile for the year-end form, the program ends abnormally with an array index error.

0108 - State wages greater than federal

The total of the wages for State/C Federal Unemployment Insurance (FUI) records is greater than the Federal/C wages.

Review the transactions and each State/C record to determine whether these totals should balance to the Federal/C balance. For example, if an employee lives in one state and works in another, the system updates both records with total gross wages. You must manually adjust the discrepancy, using the Tax Summary form.

0109 - Invalid tax ID number

The corporate tax ID number on the tax areas with tax types of F through N (State or Local) is blank. For these types of taxes, the tax ID must be numeric and from 2 to 9 characters in length.

Verify that the corporate tax ID is set up on the Corporate Tax ID Revisions form located on the Taxes and Insurance menu (G07BPTI4). Then rerun the Tax History Integrity Report in update mode.

0110 - Employee number is invalid

The employee number does not exist or has been deleted from the Employee Master Information table (F060116).

Add the employee number to the Employee Master Information table. Then run the Tax History Integrity Report in update mode.

0111 - Tax area does not exist

The tax area code on the record does not exist in the Payroll Tax Area Profile table (F069016).

Add the tax area to the Tax Area Information form located on the Taxes and Insurance menu (G07BPTI4). Then run the Tax History Integrity Report in update mode.

0112 - Tax ID does not exist

The corporate tax ID on the record does not exist in the Payroll Corporate Tax Identification table (F069086).

Add the corporate tax ID on the Corporate Tax ID Revisions form. Then run the Tax History Integrity Report in update mode.

0113 - Tax ID does not match

The corporate tax ID on the record does not match the corporate tax ID in the Payroll Corporate Tax Identification table.

Verify that the tax ID on the Corporate Tax ID Revisions form is correct. This ID might have changed, but history records exist with the prior number. If the tax ID is incorrect, change it, and then run the Tax History Integrity Report in update mode.

Note: Year-end forms do not print correctly when the Federal A Corporate Tax ID in the Tax Summary field contains punctuation or spaces. The Federal A tax area is the default federal tax area. If this tax area contains punctuation or spaces, you cannot print year-end forms for employees.

0114 - School district code missing

A school district code is not present in the school district tax history record.

Currently, the system does not check for this error.

0115 - Uncollected taxes

Uncollected payroll taxes exist for the tax area and type. This condition, which is most common in an environment in which employees earn tips, could occur if you have requested the system to arrear taxes and it adjusted the tax to have net pay equal to zero.

Determine whether you should be arrearing taxes. If so, this error message lets you know that uncollected taxes exist and that these amounts will be printed on the year-end form (in box 12) if the tax types are FICA or Medicare.

0120 - Social Security Over/Under-withheld

The amount of Social Security was either over-withheld or under-withheld based on the annual maximum defined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

To correct the over-withheld or under-withheld tax, enter an interim payment for the correct amount. The system changes the tax withheld to match the FICA taxable wage. Alternatively, you can report the amount on the employee's year-end form, and the employee is then responsible for recording an overpayment or underpayment on the tax return.

0121 - Medicare Over/Under-withheld

The amount of Medicare was either over-withheld or under-withheld.

To correct the over-withheld or under-withheld tax, enter an interim payment for the adjustment amount. The system corrects the tax. Alternatively, you can report the amount on the employee's year-end form so that the employee becomes responsible for reporting an overpayment on the tax return.

0131 - Record contains no dollars ($)

All of the amounts in the F06136 table are blank (zero dollars).

Delete each of these records from the table by using the Tax Summary form.

0140 - State taxable wage, no tax

Taxable wages exist for the employee, but no tax was withheld. This situation might have occurred because of reciprocal agreements between states or because the employee has claimed enough exemptions to prevent tax from being withheld.

The system cannot identify which states have or do not have tax amounts. You must determine which records are valid. If you determine that the records are invalid, you must manually delete the records using the Tax Summary form.

0141 - Tax in non-taxing state

The state listed is a nontaxing state, as defined by user-defined code list 06/TA; but tax has been withheld due to an interim payment tax override.

Remove the tax amount from the nontaxing state record or enter a tax refund through the interim payment facility. If you manually adjust the record, you should add the adjusted amount to another state that withholds state income tax.

0150 - Negative gross wage amount

The gross wage amount contains a negative value.

Determine whether a negative balance is justified for the tax area and tax type. If it is not justified, adjust the balance by using the Tax Summary form. Run the Tax History Integrity Report again to verify that no other problems exist.

0152 - Negative excludable wage amount

The excludable wage amount contains a negative value.

Determine whether a negative balance is justified for the tax area and tax type. If not, adjust the balance using the Tax Summary form. Run the Tax History Integrity Report to verify that no other problems exist.

0154 - Negative paid-in-excess wage amount

The paid-in-excess wage amount contains a negative value.

Determine whether a negative balance is justified for the tax area and tax type. If it is not justified, adjust the balance by using the Tax Summary form. Run the Tax History Integrity Report again to verify that no other problems exist.

0156 - Negative tax paid amount

The tax withheld and paid amount contains a negative value.

Determine whether a negative balance is justified for the tax area and tax type. If it is not justified, adjust the balance by using the Tax Summary form. Run the Tax History Integrity Report again to verify that no other problems exist.

0199 - History record deleted

The program deleted the tax history record from the Tax History table.

Determine whether the record should have been deleted. If it should not have been deleted, restore the backup table.

0250 - No federal tax taken

Federal taxable wages exist for the employee, but no tax was withheld. This condition might have occurred because the employee has claimed enough exemptions to prevent tax from being withheld

If you determine that the federal transactions are invalid, you must manually change the records, using the Tax Summary form.

0251 - Work state, county, city mismatch tax area

The tax area on the Tax Summary record does not match the work state, work county, or work city fields on the same record.

Determine whether the tax area in the tax history record matches the Payroll Tax Area Profile table (F069016). If it is correct, run this report again in update mode to correct the WST, WCNT, and WCTY fields.

0252 - Invalid statutory code

The statutory code on the Tax Summary record does not match the statutory code in the Payroll Tax Area Profile table.

Verify that the statutory code on the Tax Area Information form is correct. If it is not correct, correct it and then run the Tax History Integrity Report in update mode.

0253 - Invalid century field

The Century field in the Tax Summary record is blank.

Run the Tax History Integrity Report in update mode to correct the Century field in the Tax Summary record.

0254 - Fed Tax Wages not equal to State Tax Wages

The amount of federal taxable wages does not equal the amount of state taxable wages.

Verify that the taxable wages are correct for both federal and state. If you determine that the taxable wages are incorrect, you can change this information by using interim payments or you can manually update tax information by using the Tax Summary form.

0256 - Hospital insurance withheld wrong: Employee salary over 200,000

The withholding amount for the Medicare hospital insurance tax is either to high or too low. Employees with wages over $200,000 pay taxes at an additional 0.9%. To correct the discrepancy, enter an interim payment for the adjustment amount to enable the system to correct the tax. Alternatively, you can report the amount the employee's year-end tax forms. This approach makes the employee responsible for reporting an overpayment on the tax return.

999 - Invalid

The error code is not set up in user-defined code list 06/IX.