Understanding Tax History Integrity Errors

You use the Tax History Integrity Report (R077011) to identify errors in the Tax History table (F06136). The system uses the information in this table to produce government year-end forms for employees. Keeping this table error-free simplifies the year-end processing tasks. The Tax History Integrity Report identifies three types of information:

  • Errors that you must correct manually.

  • Errors that the program corrects when you run the report in update mode.

  • Irregularities that are not necessarily errors. For example, a situation in which no federal tax was withheld might be a valid condition for a low-wage earner.

The system also creates a backup table, Tax History Integrity (Temp) (F077011), of the summary history table when you delete records, such as invalid records that contain negative amounts. We recommend that you call customer support for help in restoring the backup table.

You run integrity reports in proof mode to identify possible errors without changing any of the information in the history tables. You also run integrity reports in proof mode so that you can research errors before correcting and updating the appropriate tables. You use processing options to specify that the Tax History Integrity Report run in proof mode.