Assignment Level

Depending on how you want the system to calculate the wage attachment rule, you can assign the rule at the DBA level, the employee DBA level, or the employee wage attachment level. The level at which the rule is assigned specifies how the rule is calculated. This table illustrates when to use each of the levels:

Assignment Level

Assign this Rule Under These Conditions

DBA Level

The rule is the same for all employees, regardless of the state in which they work.

This is the default level. The system calculates rules that are set up at this level for every employee who has a wage attachment using the specified DBA number.

Employee DBA Level

The same DBA is used for employees in different states that have different regulations.

For example, state A regulates that an employee's withholdings for garnishments cannot exceed 15 percent of disposable wages. State B specifies that withholdings cannot exceed 20 percent. Employees that live in State A, and have multiple wage attachments are subject to the 15 percent regulation. Employees who live in state B are subject to the 20 percent regulation. The organization uses DBA 1500 for all garnishments.

You would assign rules at the employee DBA level according to the state in which the employee lives. You assign a 1 percent rule to DBA 1500 for employees in state A, and a 20 percent rule to DBA 1500 for employees in state B.

Employee Wage Attachment Level

An employee has garnishments from different states that have different regulations, but use the same DBA code.

For example, an employee has one garnishment from state A that uses DBA 1500, and one from state B that also uses DBA 1500. State A regulations specify that no more than 15 percent of disposable wages can be used to satisfy garnishments. State B regulations specify that no more than 20 percent of disposable wages can be used to satisfy garnishments.

You would assign a rule to the first garnishment that enforces the 15 percent regulation, and another rule to the second garnishment that enforces the 20 percent regulation.