Common Fields Used in This Chapter

Auto Deposit Advice

Select to print automatic deposit advices.

Auto Deposit Advice Message

Enter the message to print on the automatic deposit advices.

Auto Deposit Bank File

Select to create the automatic deposit bank file.

Check Message

Enter the message to print on the checks.


Select to print checks.

From Interim ID

Complete this field if you have selected the Reassign Interim ID to Another ID option.

Next Advice Number

Enter the beginning or next available number of the forms on which employees' auto deposit advices are printed. The system does not check for duplicate advice numbers because you might be using multiple bank accounts. You must track advice numbers manually.

Next Check Number

Enter the beginning or next available number of the forms on which employees' checks are printed. The system does not notify you of duplicate check numbers because you might be using multiple bank accounts. You must track check numbers manually.

Reassign Interim ID to Another ID

Select to reassign interim payments to another interim ID.

Reset Interim Calculations

Select to reset the interim calculations. You must reset the calculations for interim payments before you can reset interim header records or reassign interims to another ID. If you have already reset the calculations for the interims, or if the interims have not yet been processed, you do not need to select this option.

Reset Payment Headers

Select this option to reset interim header records.

To Interim ID

Complete this field if you selected the Reassign Interim ID to Another ID option.