Common Fields Used in This Chapter

G/L Bank Account (general ledger bank account)

Enter the number of the bank account (general ledger account) to be updated automatically when receipts or disbursements are entered. The bank account number is assumed to be the same for every document in a batch. Therefore, it is not cleared from entry to entry. However, if you leave the bank account number blank, the system retrieves a default bank account number from the F0012 table, item number RB for Accounts Receivable and PB for Accounts Payable.

I C (interim check code)

Indicates one of these conditions:

Blank: Processed in a regular payroll cycle.

I: Processed as an interim.

Interim payments can include replacements for both regular voided payments and manually voided payments.

X: Voided original payment.

I S (interim check status)

Indicates the type of payment that the system generated. Values are:

A: Automatic deposit.

C: Computer-generated payment.

V: Voided regular payment.

M: Manually-generated payment.

Z: Voided manual payment.

If the code is M, the automatic accounting instruction (AAI) for the payroll manual check bank is used to generate the cash entry. If the code is C or blank, the AAI for the normal payroll bank is used.

Payment/Item Number

Enter the number of the matching document, such as a receipt, payment, adjustment, or credit. You apply a matching document (DOCM) against an original document (DOC), such as an invoice or voucher.

Vd/Re Date (void/reissue date)

Displays the date that this check was voided or reissued.