Common Fields Used in This Chapter

Address Number

Enter the employee number on which you want to calculate the rule.

Amount 1/Method

Complete this field to calculate the garnishment or wage attachment with a method other than the garnishment calculation tables. If you are calculating a levy, complete this field to use a method other than the Standard Annual Exemption Amounts and the Additional Exempt Amounts tables.

The amount to be withheld from the employee's paycheck for a wage attachment. Based on the method, this amount may be used as a comparison to a percentage. The method determines whether the amount or the percent is deducted.

Note: If an employee receives multiple payments during a pay period, the system tries to deduct the full amount from the first payment that the employee receives. If the full amount of the deduction cannot be satisfied from the first payment, the system continues to deduct from the employee's earnings in subsequent payments that are received during the pay period until the full amount has been deducted. After the full amount has been deducted, the system no longer withholds additional earnings if the employee receives additional payments during the pay period.
Amount Due

Enter the amount that is due. The amount due is either:

  • The amount due for a declining balance (Declining Balance field = Y).

  • The amount due for a wage attachment deduction.

    This amount is required for all wage attachments except a child support deduction.

The amount due for a declining balance must be specified at one of these assignment levels:

  • DBA setup

  • Group assignment

  • Employee assignment

    For wage attachment setup, the system stores the amount due in a different table and does not display it in the DBA instructions for employees.

You cannot specify the amount due during time entry.

When the amount due equals zero, the DBA becomes inactive.

Amount or Rate

Enter the rate or amount that the system uses when determining whether the rule has been broken.

Deduction Number

Enter the code that defines the type of pay, deduction, benefit, or accrual.

Pay types are numbered from 1 to 999. Deductions and benefits are numbered from 1000 to 9999.

No. Deduction Periods (number of deduction periods)

Enter the number of periods for which a deduction or benefit should be taken, or for which the arrearage amount must be deducted. The system automatically decreases this number by one for each period taken.

You must enter a value in this field if you automate the Number of Periods field.


Enter the address book number of the person, company or individual who initiated the claim and is due the money.

Original Balance

Enter the original balance due on the wage attachment. The total amount which must be withheld from the employee's paychecks to meet the court order requirement.

For example:

If the employee was served a court order for an outstanding garnishment, the system displays the total amount that due. This is not the current outstanding balance, which is carried in the Amount Due (AD) field.

The Remaining Balance on the Detail Wage Attachment Ledger is reduced by the amount of the deduction each pay period it is deducted.


Enter the address book number for the supplier who receives the final payment.

For wage attachments, payee is the address book number of the agency, company, individual, or court that is to receive the payment of the check.


Enter the DBA for which you want the rule to calculate.

Percent 1

Enter the percentage of the employee's disposable wage that can used in the calculation of a wage assignment, as specified in the wage attachment setup.

To enter an ongoing wage assignment that is a monetary amount, enter 2 in the Method field, a monetary amount in the Amount field, and 0 (zero) in the Percent 1 field.

To enter an ongoing wage assignment that is a percentage of the employee's disposable wage, enter 2 in the Method field, 0 (zero) in the Amount field, and a percentage amount in the Percent 1 field.

Source of Calculation

Enter the wage basis that the system uses to calculate the rule. This user defined code (UDC) (07/DB) specifies the basis of a deduction, benefit, or accrual. When the system calculates the gross amount for disposable net wages, it does not use the basis of calculation. The gross amount includes all earnings that have a positive effect on the gross and net payment. For wage attachments use one of these codes:

18: Garnishment, tax levy, wage assignment (child support and maintenance).

R: Loan, interest.

0: Fees.

Wage Attachment Priority Number

Enter the priority in which the wage attachment is to be withheld. This priority supersedes the deduction priority that is specified when you set up the deduction.

Wage Attachment Withholding Rule

Enter the type of rule to use. This rule is used to define withholding limitations across multiple wage attachments for a single employee.