
Consider these when you process rollovers:


What You Must Do

Pre-payroll reset

If you reset a payroll ID, the system deletes the records in the F07149 table for that payroll ID.

Changes-only processing

If you need to run a changes-only pre-payroll, the system recreates the employees' fiscal/anniversary workfile records and creates a new leave rollover report only for the employees whose records have been changed, regardless of whether their leave information has changed.

Interim payments

If you need to pay employees' leave in advance and the employees' anniversaries occur while they are on leave, you must complete the Pay Cycle Bypass Count field on the Interim Entry form to ensure that the system includes records for the employees who are on leave, although it will not generate pay for those employees.

Year-end rollover processing

You are not required to process year-end rollovers for all countries. Year-end rollovers are primarily used by countries whose tax years follow the standard calendar year (January through December).

Voiding a payment after the rollover occurs

If, after you process a rollover, you must void a payment that was issued before an employee's accruals were rolled over, you must manually void the payment by entering an adjustment interim payment. Using the actual void function to void such a payment might result in incorrect accrual balances.