Entering a Wage Attachment for a Tax Levy

Access the Wage Attachment Revisions form, Tax Levy tab.

Marital Status

Complete this field to use the Standard Annual Exemption Amounts and Additional Exemption Amounts tables to calculate the levy.

The employee's federal marital status from the 668-W form. Marital status is automatically copied from the employee master if it is not entered manually. This code is used in the computation of all tax levy deductions.

Disability Flag

Complete this field to use the Standard Annual Exemption Amounts and Additional Exemption Amounts tables to calculate the levy.

A code which is recognized by the federal government as to whether the employee has a disability that might cause the calculation of a tax levy to change.

Caution: Do not delete or change the codes.
Tax Levy Exemptions

Complete this field to use the Standard Annual Exemption Amounts and Additional Exemption Amounts tables to calculate the levy.

The number of exemptions that are claimed by the employee. These exemptions are not those defined on the W-4. For tax levies, employees must fill out form 668-W and define their marital status and number of exemptions.