Example: Splitting a Wage Assignment Deduction between Families

George supports two families and has two wage assignments. The first wage assignment is 300.00 USD per pay period, and the second is 200.00 USD. However, the maximum percentage of the employee's disposable wages that must go toward all wage assignments is 65 percent, based on the minimum net pay that George is allowed. When George does not earn enough to pay both wage assignments, the amount available must be divided proportionately between the wage assignments.

This pay period, George has disposable wages of 500 USD. The system uses these calculations to determine George's wage assignment deductions for this pay period:



Amount available

Disposable wage × percent = amount available for all wage assignments

500 × .65 = 325

First wage assignment percent

First wage assignment ÷ total obligation = percentage of disposable wages for first wage assignment

300 ÷ 500 = .60

Second wage assignment percent

Second wage assignment ÷ total obligation = percentage of disposable wages for second wage assignment

200 ÷ 500 = .40

First deduction

Percent of disposable wages for first wage assignment × amount available for all wage assignments = amount deducted for first wage assignment

.60 × 325 = 195

Second deduction

Percent of disposable wages for second wage assignment × amount available for all wage assignments = amount deducted for second wage assignment

.40 × 325 = 130