Hourly Method

Use the hourly method to move employees to the next job level after they complete a specified number of hours in their current job level. If you use the hourly method, you must create pay tables before you set up job step progression parameters. These pay tables include all of the valid pay types that can be counted towards the step progression requirements. For example, if you count the regular-time hours (pay type 1) that an employee works toward the requirements to move to the next job level, you would include pay type 1 in the pay table. If you do not count the hours that an employee charges to holiday pay (pay type 800) toward the requirements, you would not include pay type 800 in the pay table. Use the Workers Compensation Insurance Basis Table program (P079071) to enter this information.

In addition to creating pay type tables, you must enter the name of the pay table in the Ins Pay field and enter H in the Method field on the Step Progression Detail form.