Job Step Progression Processing Order

If the organization uses timecard automation rules to process overtime, you must determine the order in which you process overtime and job step progression information so that you achieve the desired results. Many factors can change the results of overtime and job step progression calculations, including:

  • The method that you use to enter timecards.

  • The charge-to methods that you use for timecard automation rules.

  • Business practices.

  • The methods that you use to calculate overtime.

  • The order in which you process information.

    Note: Due to the number of factors that can affect the results of job step progression and overtime calculations, you might need to test multiple scenarios to determine the method that the organization should use to achieve the desired outcome. If you must process job step progression information before you process overtime, you must use the stand-alone method to process job step progression. If you decide to process overtime information first, you must use the automatic method to process job step progression information.