Multiple Versions of Pre-Payroll

You can use multiple version processing to process multiple versions of these types of pre-payroll:

  • Full pre-payroll

  • Interims only pre-payroll

  • Changes only pre-payroll

You can process any or all of these pre-payroll steps using multiple versions. For example, you might choose to run multiple versions of full pre-payroll processing, but run only a single version of changes only pre-payroll.


Multiple version processing does not affect the order in which you process pay cycle steps. Whether you use multiple version processing or single version processing, you must complete pre-payroll as the first step in the pay cycle process.

In addition, if you choose to process multiple versions of the Pre-Payroll Drive UBE program (R07200), you must still enter a valid version of R07200 in the Version field on the Pre-Payroll Processing form when you create the payroll ID. However, if you assign multiple versions of R07200 to that payroll ID, the system does not use the version of the R07200 that you entered on the Pre-Payroll Processing form. See Setting Up the Payroll Cycle Workbench.

You can use multiple version processing to decrease the amount of the time that the system takes to complete pre-payroll processing. When you use multiple version processing, the system simultaneously processes multiple versions of the Pre-Payroll Driver UBE program (R07200). As the system processes multiple versions of the Pre-Payroll Driver UBE program, it updates all of the payroll workfiles with information that is created by each version. Therefore, the workfiles that are created when you use multiple version processing are identical to the workfiles that are created when you process a single version of pre-payroll.

Before you process multiple versions of pre-payroll, create multiple versions of the Pre-Payroll UBE program (R07200) and assign them to a payroll ID.

Note: For employees who require the total time accounting (TTA) process, the R07200 report processes only those timecards that have been processed through TTA.