Print Options

1) Enter a '1' to print the Employee's address. Default of blank will not print the address.

Specify whether to print the employee's address on the report. Values are:

1: Print.

Blank: Do not print. (This value is the default.)

2) Enter Employee Identification Option:

Specify which employee number to print on the report. Values are:

Blank: Address Book and Social Security Number.

2: Social Security Number only.

3: Additional Employee Number and Social Security Number.

4: Address Book only.

2) Hide Paycheck Transparency Weekly Detail Stub Lines (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this processing option to specify whether to show or hide the paycheck transparency weekly detail stub lines on the paystub when viewed on the Payroll Register (R073012) report. Values are:

Blank: Show stub lines for weekly pay information.

1: Do not show stub lines for weekly pay information.