
Use these processing options to specify how interim payments are processed and whether the system produces a tax report when the interim payments are processed.

1. Mode

Specify the method that the system uses to calculate interim payments. If you use interactive processing, the system performs all interim payment calculations when you click the OK button during interim payment entry. If you use batch processing, you must complete an additional step to enable the system to perform interim payment calculations for all payments that are included in a specified interim ID. If you enter a large number of interim payments, you might want to use the batch method, because it might shorten processing time. Values are:

Blank: Interactive processing.

1: Batch processing.

2. Print Before/After Tax Report

Specify whether the system prints the Vertex Before/After Tax report for each interim payment, or batch of interim payments, that is processed. Values are:

Blank: Do not print.

1: Print.

3. Reset Calculations

Specify how you want the Reset Calculations to work. If you want the Reset Calculations to reset all interim payments regardless if they have been printed or not, leave this option blank. If you want only the interim payments that have not been printed to be reset, enter a 1 in this option. If you choose to only reset payments where no checks have been printed, you can reset the checks first and then perform the Reset Calculations. Values are:

Blank: Reset all payments.

1: Reset only payments with no checks printed.

4. Jurisdiction Interaction Treatments

Specify the way in which the system should use Jurisdictional Interaction Treatment (JIT) to calculate work tax. Values are:

Blank: If a formal reciprocal agreement exists, the system assumes that the Nonresident Certificate has not been filed and calculates the work tax. The system passes the blank value of JIT into the Vertex tax engine for both work and resident states.

1: The system does not calculate work tax for nonresident employees who worked in a state with a formal reciprocation agreement with their state of residence. The system passes the value of JIT as 1 into the Vertex tax engine for both work and resident states.