Processing Multiple Versions of Payroll Journal Entries

Access the Work With Pay Cycle Workbench form.

  1. Complete the Payroll ID field on Work With Pay Cycle Workbench, and click Find.

  2. Select a record, and then select Process Multiple, Process, Submit Journals from the Row menu.

  3. Complete these fields on Payroll Journal Entries:

    • Expense Distribution Code

    • Accrual Factor

    • Override Accounting Date

  4. Click the Create All Journal Entries in Full Detail option to create all payroll journal entries in full detail mode.

  5. Click the Do not create Payroll Journal Details (F05290) option to bypass the creation of payroll journal detail records in the Payroll Journal Detail table.

    Note: If you click Create All Journal Entries in Full Detail, the system automatically disables this option. Because you already chose to create journal entries in full detail, an additional set of journal detail records in the Payroll Journal Detail table is unnecessary.
  6. Complete the Wage Attachment Invoice Date field if you use Accounts Payable Integration.

  7. Select the Run Accounts Payable Integration Only option to produce journal entries for accounts payable only.

  8. Select the Separate Batch for DBAs and Taxes option to create separate batches of journal entries for DBA and tax vouchers.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Click OK on Multiple Versions Confirmation.