Setting Up Garnishment Tables

Access the Garnishment Table Revisions form.

Wage Attachment Table

Assigns a number to the garnishment calculation table. When you set up the corresponding wage attachment deduction, enter this number in the Table Code field for the deduction. If you need to set up multiple calculation tables for a wage attachment DBA, use the same attachment table number for each of these calculation tables.

Table Description

Describes the table.

Date - Ending Effective

Enter the last date in a range of effective dates.

Amount or Rate

Enter a monetary amount or an hourly rate. Values are:

1: For a deduction, benefit, or accrual, the meaning of this value depends on the method of calculation. The method determines whether the deduction is a flat monetary amount, a percentage, or a multiplication rate. Table method DBAs, depending on which table method they use, can either use this amount in the calculation or ignore it. If exceptions to the table calculation exist, you can override the table code in the detail area, set up a flat monetary DBA amount, or override the amount with a one-time override for a timecard.

2: For a pay type, amounts that are entered in this field override the hourly rate.


Enter a value that specifies the method that the system uses to calculate a garnishment withholding amount for a disposable wage range. Values are:

$: Flat dollar amount.

*: Net calculation amount. If the disposable net wage is between the upper and lower range, the amount equals the difference between the disposable net wage and the lower amount.

%: Percent.

P: Percent with progressive table. To use this calculation method, a progressive table needs to be set up. For example, using a progressive table, the system could take 5 percent of the first 100.00 USD, 10 percent of the second 100.00 USD, and 20 percent of the remaining balance. You can use this method only with garnishments.

Pay Frequency

Enter the user-defined code (UDC) (07/PF) that indicates how often an employee is paid. Values are:

B: Biweekly.

W: Weekly.

S: Semimonthly.

M: Monthly.

A: Annually.

C: European Annualized.

The system uses the value in the Description-2 field on UDCs to calculate the amount per pay period for a salaried employee.