Setting Up Job Step Progression Parameters

Access the Step Progression Detail form.

A C (accumulator code)

Enter the code that indicates whether the total number of units represents units worked in a designated job type or in a job type and step combination. Values are:

1: The units represent the total number of units that the employee must work within the designated job type and step combination before advancing to the next job type and step.

2: The units represent the total number of units that the employee must work within the designated job type, regardless of the step, before advancing to the next job type.

If you enter a code in this field, leave the Date field blank.


Enter a value that specifies the method to calculate job step progression units for the specified job level. Values are:

H: Hours.

D: Days.

P: Pieces.

Based From

Enter the code that indicates the date that the system uses to calculate the number of days that an employee has accumulated toward the requirements for the specified job level. You can use any date field that is stored in the F060116 table.

For example, if employees must work 365 days from the date of their last raise before moving to the next job level, enter DR, (date of last raise), in this field.

Note: This field is required if you are using the days method to process job step progression information. Do not complete this field if you are not using the days method.
Ins Pay (insured pay table number)

Enter the code that identifies a table of pay, deduction, and benefit types that define the basis for various payroll calculations. These tables are used in several processes, such as defining insured pay types for workers compensation and identifying pay types to include in automatic timecard generation.

Step progression processing uses valid pay types from the Workers Compensation table. You can add a code to the UDC table (07/IP), and then use that code to define a range of pay types in the Workers Compensation table, for example, STP (Step Progression). The Step Progression table uses the range of defined pay types to determine when an employee has met the step progression requirements and automatically moves to the next step. You must set up a step progression pay table if you are using the hourly method for step progression processing. If you are using the pieces method, you might want to set up pay types for individual pieces, and then enter the pieces pay types in the pay table. You do not need to set up a pay table if you are using the days method.

C F (carryover flag)

Enter the code that indicates whether the system carries over the total accumulated units (number of hours, days, or pieces) or only the excess units (number of hours, days, or pieces that exceed the required amount) to the employee's next job type/step combination in the Step Progression History table. Values are:

N: Do not carry.

Carry forward only the excess. For example, if an employee has a total of 520 hours in a job type and step that requires him to have 500 hours to move to the next job level, then the system moves him to the next job level and carries over 20 accumulated hours.

Y: Carry.

For example, if an employee has a total of 520 hours in a job type and step that requires him to have 500 hours to move to the next job level, then the system moves him to the next job type and carries over 520 accumulated hours.