Setting Up Master Pay Cycles

Access the Pay Period Constants Revisions form.


Enter a two-digit number that specifies the applicable year. If you leave this field blank, the program uses the system date.

Period Number

Enter the number of the pay period from the beginning of the year. For instance, a monthly payroll cycle beginning in January has a total of 12 periods with October being the 10th period.

Typical values are:

001052 (Weekly Payroll Cycle)

001026 (Biweekly Payroll Cycle)

001024 (Semimonthly Payroll Cycle)

001012 (Monthly Payroll Cycle)

001004 (Quarterly Payroll Cycle)

001001 (Annual Payroll Cycle)

Period Month

Enter the number of the month (0112) in which the pay period resides.

Weekly Std Hrs. (weekly standard hours)

Enter the standard number of hours to be paid employees whose pay frequency is Weekly (W). The number that is entered into this field is used during pre-payroll processing when the system calculates autopay. The system uses the hours in this field instead of calculating the hours based upon gross pay divided by the hourly rate.

If you leave this field blank, the hours worked are calculated during the generation of timecards.

Biweekly Std Hrs. (biweekly standard hours)

Enter the standard number of hours to be paid employees whose pay frequency is Bi-Weekly (B). The number in this field is used during pre-payroll processing when the system calculates autopay. The system uses the hours in this field instead of calculating the hours based upon gross pay divided by the hourly rate.

Monthly Std Hrs. (monthly standard hours)

Enter the standard number of hours to be paid employees whose pay frequency is Monthly (M). The number in this field is used during pre-payroll processing when the system calculates autopay. The system uses the hours in this field instead of calculating the hours based upon gross pay divided by the hourly rate.

Other Std Hrs. (other standard hours)

Enter the standard number of hours to be paid employees whose pay frequency is Other (O). The number in this field is used during pre-payroll processing when the system calculates autopay. The system uses the hours in this field instead of calculating the hours based upon gross pay divided by the hourly rate.

Annual Std Hrs. (annual standard hours)

Enter the standard number of hours to be paid employees whose pay frequency is Annually (A). The number in this field is used during pre-payroll processing when the system calculates autopay. The system uses the hours in this field instead of calculating the hours based upon gross pay divided by the hourly rate.

Semi Std Hrs. (semimonthly standard hours)

Enter the standard number of hours to be paid employees whose pay frequency is Semimonthly (S). The number in this field is used during pre-payroll processing when the system calculates autopay. The system uses the hours in this field instead of calculating the hours based upon gross pay divided by the hourly rate.