The Rollover Anniversary Report

When you run rollovers, the system automatically generates a rollover anniversary report, which lists this information for each employee:

  • The beginning balance from the start of the year being rolled over, for the available PDBA code.

  • Current-year additions for the available PDBA code.

  • Taken, accrual, and new available leave balances.

  • Actual new available balance after any limits are applied.

  • Any amount lost as a result of rollover rules being applied.

  • Negative balances.

You can generate this report in detail mode or summary mode. You use the processing options for the rollover program to specify which mode you want. The detail report lists individual accrual and taken PDBA codes when more than one taken PDBA code is associated with an available PDBA code. The summary report summarizes information at the available PDBA code level and shows both hours and monetary amounts.

After you run rollovers, you should review the report to verify that the appropriate balances rolled over correctly. Before you perform the update to roll over those employees' balances, you must correct any errors that you found on the report in the F07149 table.