Understanding Garnishment Tables

The court that imposes the garnishment determines the method that you use to calculate a garnishment for an employee. Garnishments for different employees can use different calculation methods. Typical calculation methods include a monetary amount or a percentage of the employee's disposable wages.

Using the government guidelines, you set up calculation tables that specify:

  • The range of wage amounts that are subject to garnishments.

  • The methods that the system uses to calculate the garnishment for each wage range.

For federal guidelines, you must set up a garnishment table for each pay frequency that you pay employees. You must also set up garnishment tables for any state taxing authorities (tax areas) that have guidelines that supersede the federal guidelines.

Because the system enables you to associate only one calculation table with a DBA, you must enter the same attachment table number for all garnishment tables. When the system calculates a garnishment for an individual employee, it uses the employee's pay frequency and tax area to determine the applicable garnishment table.

Note: You cannot set up garnishment table information on the standard calculation tables that are used for other DBA calculations (P059021). To ensure that government-initiated garnishments are calculated correctly, you must use the Wage Attachment Garnishment Table program (P07931).