Understanding Payroll Messages

When you process pre-payroll, the system generates messages to warn you of certain conditions. When errors occur during pre-payroll, the system displays messages in the Employee Work Center to notify you that the errors occurred. You should review these messages in the Employee Work Center before you continue processing the payroll cycle.

The system generates these general categories of payroll error messages:



Messages about errors that cause pre-payroll to terminate

You must correct DBA Control Table errors and Quantum errors before you can rerun pre-payroll.

Messages that affect only one employee record

These errors do not cause pre-payroll to terminate. However, the system does not process the affected employee's record. You can use the Pre-Payroll Message Center to review more detailed information about these messages.

For conditions that affect only one employee's record, you can use the Payroll Message Center to review more detailed information about the affected employee.

Payroll error messages are stored in the Pre-Payroll Error File table (F07355). Periodically, you can purge the records in this table by using the purge function of the Pre-Payroll Message Center program (P07355). You can specify which records to purge by a payroll ID, a range of dates, or both.